
The Telemegaphone!

This awesome art installation is a giant megaphone perched on a mountain in Norway. When it's up and running you can call it with a cell phone and boom your voice for miles. I can't wait!




Honda Pig-Man Ad:

Here's some freaky photoshopping from Honda:

More at: Toxel.com


78rpm Records

Stumbled onto this incredible list of 78's, most of which can be listened to online.

Two samples:

Along About Daybreak - Bill Monroe

Beale Street Blues - Jack Teagarden.



Animated Japanese Folktale: The Stonecutter

Please enjoy this short animated version of the Japanese folktale, The Stonecutter, from 1960 by Gerald McDermott. He's the same dude who did the Myth of Daedalus previously posted on this blog.

via the Academic Film Archive of America collection at the Archive.

Camping Boat

Here's something Sweet from TreeHugger:

Second only to a full houseboat (my secret dream house).

Also, I apologize for my absence, between the 4th of July, my birthday, and weddings, I've been all over the place. Hopefully more regular posts from here on out.